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New Apple patent proposes a more durable Lightning cable, docking station

Apple patents don’t guarantee that the actual product gets made but here’s something we’re hoping would make an eventual appearance. Apple is looking for a way to make the Lightning cable more durable and flexible up to the tip. Accompanying this is a new dock that will make it safer and easier to charge your Apple device.

According to Patently Apple, this is the description of the new patent: “On August 28, 2014, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals an improved method of producing a lightning connector that has a newly defined breaking strength. This new feature will be able to protect the receptacle lightning connector and/or the electronic device from damage when a force is applied to the lightning connector. One of Apple’s patent figures specifically presents a new docking station utilizing this new feature.”

Source: Patently Apple | Via: Cult of Mac

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