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Microsoft to stream Windows 10 announcement tommorow

Microsoft is holding a event tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Pacific to unveil its plans for Windows 10. Expected to be a unified OS, Windows 10's features are expected to apply to desktops as well as to mobile devices. This is a major launch for Microsoft and the biggest one under CEO Satya Nadella so it is expected to be quite comprehensive.

Windows 10 is coming later this year and the company needs it to be more widely accepted than Windows 8 was. As for the smartphone component of Windows 10, we're hearing it will be called Windows 10 as well with no 'phone' or 'mobile' tagged at the end. 

There are some interesting rumours circulating, including one that says that Windows 10 on phones will enable the running of various Android apps, similar to what BlackBerry has allowed (via Amazon's App Store or by sieloading) to help  breach the great app divide. Windows Phone has 2.7 per cent of the smartphone market an a lot of this is credited to a very thin third party app portfolio. This is a new Microsoft so anything is possible. As for tomorrow's livestream, if you don't want to miss it check out the proceedings here.

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