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Toyota releases details on 4th generation Prius hybrid with 18% better mileage

Toyota's popular Prius Hybrid looks to be getting better mileage (up to 40 kilometres a litre) as well as improved engine, interior and driver features. Coming to Japan in December and expected to hit North America next year, the new Prius has imprvoed batteries which are 10 per cent smaller than the current version while better options for engine performance, and even all-wheel drive, are being considered.

"The Toyota Prius is the most successful hybrid on the planet, but its success hasn't expanded to other hybrids, and even the Prius has struggled to maintain sales in recent years," said Karl Brauer, senior analyst for Kelley Blue Book.

As a hybrid electric vehicle, cars like the Prius have internal combustion engines which can charge batteries while running. This enables the Prius to switch to battery power while cruising on highways, effecitvely cutting down on gas consumption. It is considered an option in between gas or diesel cars and EV (Electric Vehicles).

Prius was synonymous with hyrbid passenger cars since it came to market as pretty much the only option in 1997. Lower oil prices as well as increased hybrid competion offering more attractive options for buyers have slowed sales recently. However, the increase in popularity of services like Uber X and other transportation services, put Prius at an advantageous position. 

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