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Parachute: Friends don't let friends drive distracted

Parachute, a national charity helping Canadians stop the clock on preventable injuries, is asking young adults to use the power of friendship to impact driver behaviour and stop distracted driving.

Auto collisions are the number one killer of teens in Canada making distracted driving a major issue for young adults. While young drivers make up 13 per cent of all licensed drivers in Canada, they account for almost one in every four road-related injuries and fatalities. 

In collaboration with State Farm, Parachute is taking action to raise awareness about road safety for teens during National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 19-25, 2015). This annual public awareness campaign is aimed at reducing distracted, aggressive and impaired driving – the leading cause of preventable injury and death among teens. 

Over 51 per cent of young adults admit to distracted driving, although almost all are aware of its dangers. A recent Parachute poll indicates 80 per cent of young adults would speak up if they saw their friend driving distracted.

“Parachute is asking teens to recognize that they can lead their generation and be part of a movement to transform driving habits across Canada,” says Louise Logan, Parachute President and CEO. “We want teens to start talking about distracted driving and spark a positive change that ensure safer roads for everyone.”
“Friends can change the behaviour of friends who place themselves in harm’s way,” says Allie Boelsterli. Her best friend Josh Field, died as a result of distracted driving when they were teenagers. “The vast majority of them are completely preventable.”

“What makes distracted driving and its consequences so tragic is that it is 100% avoidable,” explains John Bordignon, Media Relations State Farm Canada. “We know that young people can have a strong influence on one another. NTDSW highlights the dangers of distracted driving and hopes teens will watch out for their friends, speak up when they encounter a dangerous situation, make distracted driving socially unacceptable and become safer drivers and passengers.”


• Nearly a quarter (24 per cent) of young adults reported they know someone who has been injured in a collision or killed as a result of distracted driving.

• Over 80 per cent of young adults report that they would say something if they were to see a friend using a smartphone while driving.

• 89 per cent of young adults say they have been informed about distracted driving and are aware of the risks associated with it. The most common sources have been through media, at school, through parents and through friends.

• 51 per cent of young adults admitted to using a smartphone while driving. 98 per cent of young adults felt that texting and driving is somewhat or very dangerous.

• Distracted driving is a factor in up to 19 per cent of all fatal crashes involving teens.

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