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James Bond gets free-to-play mobile game with ‘World of Espionage’

With the new Bond flick, Spectre, coming out soon, it means different promotions are going to pop up to promote the 24th movie in the franchise. Glu Mobile and MGM teamed up to create the free-to-play mobile game James Bond: World of Espionage. It’s a multiplayer strategy RPG game that has you finding, recruiting, and developing spies for the MI6 HQ in London. And since you’ll be going on covert missions around the world, you need to have the best team with you.

You can also play things like the Alliance Wars or join limited time event challenges to help make your agency the best. The game employs over 100 real-world actors and models to play both agents and villains, making you feel like James Bond himself, even if it’s just for a game.

Source: Android Community + Flickering Myth | Download: iTunes App Store (Free) + Google Play Store (Free)

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