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Warner Bros. concedes and now offers refunds for ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ on the PC

Fans have not been too kind to Warner Bros. after the release of Batman: Arkham Knight on the PC was a big dud initially. They have managed to work out the kinks but that’s after a four-month overhaul. But there are some issues that fans don’t seem to want to forgive. That’s why now those who bought the game on the PC are eligible for a refund between now and the end of the year. The refund has an exception: the Arkham Knight season pass is only eligible for a refund with the main game, you can’t return the DLC separately. And it seems not all the versions of the game are eligible for the refund, either. Some users who bought the retail copy of the game can’t seem to get the refund page to load for them. The full details of the refund are on the game’s Steam community page.

Source: Engadget

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