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Don’t expect a MacBook/iPad hybrid, says Apple CEO Tim Cook

Photo courtesy of independent.ie

With the launch of the iPad Pro, Apple CEO Tim Cook calls it the replacement device for a notebook or desktop. But he clarifies this as meaning Windows-based notebooks and desktops and not the Mac. “We don’t regard Macs and PCs to be the same,” says Cook. “What we’ve tried to do is recognize that people use both iOS and Mac devices.” He didn’t elaborate this in his independent.ie interview. What Apple has done with the iPad Pro and its newer iOS 9 devices is focusing on the handoff feature instead of bringing iOS and OS X into a single operating system. Cook says he doesn’t think that combining the MacBook and iPad is what the consumers really want.

“Because what that would wind up doing, or what we’re worried would happen, is that neither experience would be as good as the customer wants. So we want to make the best tablet in the world and the best Mac in the world. And putting those two together would not achieve either. You’d begin to compromise in different ways,” says Cook.

Source: independent.ie | Via: The Verge

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