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Facebook Messenger gets festive with new features

Facebook is getting into the spirit of the holidays with new features for its Messenger app. One feature is Photo Magic. What this does is it makes it easier for you to share holiday snaps with friends and loved ones. When you take photos, Facebook’s face recognition will look for your friends on Messenger and then prompt you to send these photos to your friends. You can also opt out of this. The feature was limited before but is now more available for users. You can check if you have it by going to Messenger settings (the cogwheel) and then tapping on Photos & Media. The Photo Magic option should be there.

Another new feature is some Christmas-themed options in Messenger. Just tap on the info button of one of your conversation and from there you can change color of your chat window, or even your emojis to something more season-appropriate. If you select the likes of Christmas tree or snowman, you can even make it snow on your mobile screen phone. Or you can download Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Frozen sticker packs for some snowy surprises. And those on Android should see the snow globe effect on friends’ chat heads again for a limited time.

Source: Facebook Newsroom

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