Canadian Reviewer Weekly Roundup 2/1-2/7

iTunes on OS X adds Notification Center widget
Raspberry Pi 2 computer gets upgraded in features, price remains at US $35
Virgin Mobile offers Starbucks promo to members
DX3 2015 to take place in Toronto on March 11 and 12
HTC America just released a rap video
Apple Watch will be able to control Tesla cars remotely
HTC One (M8) units on TELUS and Rogers finally getting Lollipop OS update
Typo loses case against BlackBerry, ordered by jury to pay up $860,000 in damages
PayPal mobile payment app now available on most platforms
Apple's HealthKit for iOS 8 being tested at 60 per cent of top 23 US hospitals
Olympus OM-D E-M5 MKII launched, to cost $1,099.99
Canon releases 50.6 Megapixel capable 5Ds and 5Ds R DSLRs
Treyarch to develop 2015 ‘Call of Duty’ game
First Ubuntu-powered smartphone comes to Europe for €169.90
James Dyson Award now open for entries
'Project Phire' is Corning's answer to sapphire crystal for smartphones and tablets
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