Virgin Mobile Canada launches ‘April Fool’s Awareness’ campaign

Virgin Mobile Canada doesn’t want you to be fooled this April Fool’s Day with its latest campaign. The April Fool’s Awareness campaign wants to make sure you stay prank free on April 1st. You can watch the public service announcement above to see what you should and shouldn’t do on that day. Or see the list Virgin has come up with below:
At home checklist:
- Watch and memorize Home Alone 1 & 2.
- Wear protective equipment including but not limited to bubble wrap, pillows or Snuggies.
- Bubble wrap everything for added protection.
- Make all food yourself and don’t leave any anything unattended (best to stick with canned items, no surprises in there).
- Carry toilet paper, lotion, hand sanitizer, and a change of clothes with you at all times.
At work checklist:
- Look for air horns and Whoopee Cushions under chairs or behind doors.
- Check the toilet seat for cling wrap.
- Actually, just check all surfaces for cling wrap.
- Watch for buckets over doorways.
- Constantly inventory all furniture and belongings.
- Be suspicious of all coworkers.
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