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Stress Strategies online tool launches

We all experience stress in our lives and it's normal and often unavoidable. Some amounts of stress are okay and considered healthy for us. However, if not managed properly, stress can build up and impact our health. Leading up to Mental Health Awareness Week (May 4-10)The Psychology Foundation of Canada launches Stress Strategies, an online tool empowering Canadian adults to explore the sources of their stress and develop their own customized plans for managing it. 

With support from a panel of leading psychologists and experts and Pfizer Canada, The Psychology Foundation of Canada has developed this free and easy-to-use tool to walk users through the process of identifying simple and actionable strategies to manage stressors. 

In Canada, there are nearly 15 million doctor visits annual for either depression or anxiety,(according to IMS Health. Canadian Disease and Therapeutic Index (CDIT) Canada, 2009), both of which can be exacerbated by stress. Other severe stress-related health issues include increased risk of heart disease, weakened immune system, gastro-intestinal problems, headache and weight gain. The Stress Strategies is designed to help Canadians reframe the way they perceive and manage stress to live positive, productive lives. 

The site is 100 per cent confidential and designed for information, self-help and skill development purposes. Individuals dealing with acute levels of ongoing stress are advised to seek help from a mental health or medical professional. Visit www.stressstrategies.ca for more details. 


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