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Control your Android Wear or Pebble Time smartwatch with Aria clip-on

If you find your hands busy with other things or are just feeling a tad too lazy to swipe at your smartwatches’ screen, the Kickstarter project Aria is here to help. The clip-on accessory brings finger gesture functionality to your smartwatch. It clips to the underside of your Android Wear or Pebble Time watch and it’ll let you navigate these wearables with gestures like tapping, flicking your fingers, and opening and closing your hands. You can configure the gestures with the companion app.

Aria makes use of Bluetooth Low Energy and it doesn’t require a battery on its own. The Kickstarter campaign should be up in the coming weeks. It was built specifically for Android developers so it’ll retail for US$169, while the Pebble Time version will only need you to pledge at least $69.

Source: Aria | Via: Engadget

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