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Jony Ive takes on new post as Apple’s Chief Design Officer

Photo by Gadjo C. Sevilla - Canadianreviewer.com

Apple’s Senior Vice President of Design Jony Ive is taking on a new role and a new title for the company as its first Chief Design Officer. Aside from dealing with hardware, software, and packaging of products, he’ll now add the design of their retail stores to his responsibilities. He’ll even have a hand in picking the furniture and fittings of the new Apple Campus 2.

With an ever expanding line of Macs, iOS devices and various Watch models and iOS and OS X visual design and UI requirements under his jurisdiction, Ive has a lot on his plate, so the move makes sense so he can apply his razor focus on products.

Two of his lieutenants are also getting promoted, which will help Ive divest himself of the more administrative tasks. Richard Howarth will be heading Industrial Design and Alan Dye will be head of User Interface. Howarth has been a key member of the iPhone program since the beginning and Dye has done work with the Apple Watch’s UI. Both will report directly to Ive.

Source: SlashGear

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