Microsoft entices more Android tablet makers to pre-load Office, Skype and OneDrive Apps

The new Microsoft under CEO Satya Nadella is all about being a productivity company to all users and on any device. To this end, the company is wooing more Android tablet makers to offer bundles of key MS Office apps and services on their devices. Mirroring the recent partnership with Samasung, whose renewed focus on etnerprise has made it a necessity to offer Microsoft's popular Office Suite, Microsoft has 31 partners that will offer Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SkyDrive and Skype on their Android devices.Hit jumo for the list of partners.
Most of the names on the list are regional device makers, including: Axdia International GMBH, Germany; Cube, China; DL, Brazil; General Procurement, U.S.; Grupo Nucleo, Argentina; Haier, China; Inco, Mexico; Ionik GMBH, Germany; Iview, US and Latin America; Multilaser, Brazil; Noblex, Argentina; Pacific (Vulcan), Mexico; Philco, Argentina; Positivo, Brazil; Prestigio, EMEA; Teclast, China; TMAX Digital, North America; and Wortmann, Germany but LG and Sony are also on the list.
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