Valve’s ‘DotA 2 Reborn’ gets 5.5GB patch

Looks like there’s more downloading in store for you if you have Valve’s DotA 2 Reborn. The game is finally available to the public in beta and it seems there’s a significant number of bugs to fix. You originally had to download 7GB for the game, now you have to download around 5.5GB of data for the patch. Some of the big issues this patch fixes include “Fixed illusions being able to manipulate and sell items;” “Fixed Huskar causing significant frame rate loss;” and “Fixed crash when dire or radiant ancients are destroyed.” Prepare to do some heavy duty downloading.
For those who aren’t familiar with DotA 2 Reborn, this is Valve’s attempt to bring new graphics to the game. It’s now powered by Valve’s Source 2 engine and it features things like a new menu system, user interface, and other aspects of the game.
Source: Ubergizmo

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