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OnePlus claims fingerprint scanner on new device will be ‘faster than Touch ID’

When it comes to the accuracy of fingerprint scanners on smartphones, Apple’s Touch ID is still top-notch. Upstart OnePlus claims its upcoming OnePlus 2 device will have a fingerprint scanner that’ll be “faster than Touch ID.” They aren’t releasing specifics yet on what fingerprint scanner they’re using.

Some have speculated that they might use Qualcomm’s Sense ID scanner technology. Sense ID makes use of ultrasonic waves to penetrate the outer layers of the sin. It doesn’t just get a detailed 3D image of your fingerprint; it also takes note of your sweat pores and ridge flow. Again, this is speculation at this point. What we do know is OnePlus has to meet high expectations with its new device. It’ll be unveiled on July 27.

Source: OnePlus | Via: Cult of Android

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