Google will release monthly report cards for self-driving cars

Google wants the public and its shareholders to continue supporting “moonshot” projects by being transparent about them. One such example is releasing a monthly report card for their self-driving cars. The May 2015 release covers 12 accidents that the fleet has been involved in in the past six years. The latest crash took place last week when an autonomous prototype Lexus SUV was rear-ended at around 1mph by another car. No injuries were reported from both sides though and the self-driving car wasn’t at fault. Actually, only one out of the 12 accidents were caused by the driver operating the Google car and he was doing it manually as well as it drove back into another vehicle.
This report will also show how Google can expound more on self-driving technology, such as how the system can identify a passing emergency vehicle at a junction and will remain at a halt even though their lane is the one in favor to move.
Source: Google Monthly Reports | Via: SlashGear
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