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Motorola sends out invitations to London launch event

There are new Motorola products coming and they will be launched on July 28th in London. Motorola just sent out media invitations to the event, which will be live streamed. Go to motorola.ca/hellomoto for more details. The whole theme for the event is 'Your relationship status is about to change,' which is the teaser on the invitation.

Continuing to the event link, Motorola points out that  regarding to our phones, "We feel lost without it. We trust them with our most personal questions, photos, stories and secrets. They never leave our side. But shouldn’t all that care and devotion you show be returned?" and, in bold, A Better Mobile Relationship is On the Way. Hit jump for more details on the event an what it means.

Note that Motorola isn't teasing specs like screen sizes, processor speeds or even camera capabilities. They're talking about deeper relationships between people and their smartphones. This is also the first time we see Motorola, a Lenovo company prominently displayed so whatever product/s are being announced would have been been developed under Lenovo's watchful eye. The event will be livestreamed through motorola.ca/hellomoto. Canadian Reviewer will be on hand in London to cover the event and hopefully get hands on demos on new devices and technologies. 

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