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Viper SmartStart lets you control some of your car’s features with your smartwatch

Wish you could get more out of your fancy smartwatch? Viper SmartStart app for Android Wear and Apple Watch can help you out a bit with that. This app turns your smartwatches into a smarter device. It helps you locate your car when you can’t remember where you parked it by giving you turn-by-turn directions to get back to it. Once you locate it, it can unlock the doors for you. It can start your car remotely, lock it when you’ve arrived, and open the trunk. It can also send you alerts for things like low battery and notes and explains diagnostic trouble codes when your car gets into trouble. And yes, it can call roadside assistance if you need it. The service is compatible with almost all after-market vehicles.

Source: Viper | Via: Cult of Android

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