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New MacBook Pro design and features leaked through macOS Sierra images

We're learning more about the upcoming MacBook Pro family of notebooks that Apple plans on launching this Thursday at Town Hall in Cupertino, thanks to, well, Apple.

Documents included in the code of macOS Sierra 10.12.1's Apple Pay related images show the redesigned 13-inch MacBook Pro sporting thinner speaker grilles, the anticipated "Magic Toolbar," OLED strip that will replace the top row of function keys (and apparently morph depending on what application is running), as well as the Touch ID being used for Apple Pay.

Closer inspection shows a few more things. The keyboard keys now resemble the flatter  Butterfly keyboard\ we've seen on the MacBook and a new hinge design that hints this will be an exceedingly thin notebook. Did Apple leak this on purpose, that's very unlikely. The unfortunate leak is plain and simple carelessness which could happen to anyone.


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