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Faraday Future and LG work together on EV batteries


Faraday Future has just partnered with LG Chem, one of the biggest lithium-ion battery manufacturers in the world.  LG Chem has provided batteries to GM for its all-electric Bolt. According to Faraday Future’s Vice President of Global Supply Chain Tom Wessner, “LG Chem worked closely with Faraday Future to develop a tailored cell chemistry to optimize the range and safety of our mass production battery hardware.” The batteries they are developing are built specifically for Faraday Future’s VPA platform, which is a modular platform that allows the car manufacturer to build cars with varying sizes and different battery capacities. The structure is arranged in what Faraday Future calls strings, allowing them to add or remove these rows and change the battery capacity.

This’ll fit perfectly into the subscription-based model Faraday Future wants to implement in the future. There is no specific timeline yet when we can expect production vehicles from the company but it has hinted before that we can see the first few cars before the year 2020.

Source: Business Insider

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