Google aims to democratize VR with Daydream View

Google revealed various new products and solutions today. Their Daydream View is an attempt to democratize Virtual Reality (VR) experiences and make them more accessible to everyone who doesn't see any sense in spending thousands of dollars on more expensive PC-powered VR rigs or expensive add-ons like the Playstation VR.
A huge step up from Google Cardboard, the Daydream View is a soft case for compatible smartphones that is lightweight and can easily fit most people's heads even with eyeglasses. The device uses NFC to intantly connect with smartphones and even comes with its own remote that doubles as a pointer, mouse and trackpad and which fits nicely inside the headset when not in use.
I tried a demo of the Daydream and found it did fit quite easily and wasn't uncomfortable, at least for the three minues I had it on. The remote seems a bit off or needed calibration since it was not accurate. The experiences I tested worked well, were immersive and lag free on the Pixel devices I was looking at. The Daydream View has to be the most comfortable VR headset I have tried, I'm just not sure how that fabric will live up to regular wear and tear.
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