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United Airlines’s new ticket tier won’t give access to overhead bins

Airlines charge for a lot of things these days and it seems that’ll include the use of overhead bins, too. Major U.S. carrier United Airlines released a new policy for its “basic economy” tickets a.k.a. those who paid the lowest fare and are only allowed to bring one small personal item—such as a purse or laptop bag—that they can stow away under the seat in front of them. The change in policy hopes to raise profitability for the airline as it targets to raise around US$4.9 billion by the year 2020.

Starting in January, the other restrictions for the basic economy tickets include not getting pre-assigned seats, not being able to carry roller suitcase, and won’t be given the capability to upgrade tickets to another fare class. You will also board last in a new boarding group or group 5. So, bigger luggage needs to be checked in. What you do get access to are free snacks, TV, and access to (paid) Wi-Fi. Now, if you’re regular economy, you still get access to ticket upgrades, overhead bins, and pre-assigned seating. Charlie Leocha of traveler advocacy group Travelers United disagrees with this new tactic as mentioned in an interview with CBC News: "These airlines are claiming that they are offering more choice and better service, while they eliminate amenities and charge more and more fees."

Source: Mashable

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