Google helps you let loved ones know you’re safe with Trusted Contacts app

We can’t stop bad things from happening and so Google wants to make it easier for you to reach out in case of an emergency. The tech giant has a new app called Trusted Contacts that lets you share your location with select contacts even if your phone is offline or you can’t get to it. The app will let you choose which loved ones you’d want to have access to this information. And if you’re feeling unsafe, you can share your location with these contacts. Or if your loved one is worried about you, they can request to see your location.
If things are fine from your end, you can opt to deny their request. But if you don’t respond “within a reasonable timeframe” your location will be shared automatically with your loved ones to see if they need to help you out. You can, of course, opt to stop sharing your location or change your trusted contacts as well. The app is currently available on Google Play Store and should be up on iOS soon.
Source: Google
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