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Pocket helps dyslexics read easier

It hasn’t been proven that fonts will help people with reading disorders read better and easier but it’s a good place to start. Read-it-later app Pocket is hoping to get more people to read by introducing the Dyslexie font support for its iOS app. Dyslexia, the reading disorder, usually stems from the reader’s inability to differentiate certain letters from each other, which means it’s difficult to make out words on a page. Dyslexie letters are longer, thicker, more slanted, and differently spaced than other fonts, which supposedly makes it easier to discern letters on a page.

“The best way to describe dyslexia is everything is just moving around the page,” Amber Roberts, a Pocket user with dyslexia, told BuzzFeed News. “With Dyslexie, I can actually read at a quicker speed now because I’m not decoding what each letter is as I’m going. I feel like a normal person.”

Source: Dyslexie | Via: BuzzFeed News | Download: Apple App Store (Free)

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