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Old Kindles to lose connection to the ‘net if not updated by Tuesday

If you’ve been neglecting the old Kindle you still have, now might be the time to bust it out for a bit and update it. Amazon has issued a warning that if the older Kindle e-readers aren’t updated by Tuesday, March 22nd, these older devices will not be able to connect to the Kindle Store or sync with the cloud, which of course means you won’t be able to download new books. The update is needed for the original Kindle Paperwhite (2012) and every Kindle before that. To sync your old Kindles, just make sure to power it up and then look for the Sync and Check for Items in the menu. But if you miss the March 22nd deadline, you can still manually download the update file from Amazon’s site and transfer it via USB. You can get more details about that here.

Source: The Verge

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