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FITC marks 15th year as Canada's biggest digital event on April 17-19

There’s no event quite like it, and it marks a huge milestone this year. Year after year, FITC lights creative fires under the industry with inspiring talks from creative technologists who shape the future. In addition to its a jaw-dropping list of leading digital innovator talks and workshops in tech and other creative industries, FITC is also set to kick off its 15th anniversary with the theme ‘Level Up’.

“Level up - your skills, your connections, your inspiration,” explains Toronto-based FITC Founder, Shawn Pucknell. “This year we want creative technologists from around the world to Toronto to feel the milestone. For the 15th year of FITC, we’ve got a roster of speakers whose combined talent, innovation and passion make them the most amazing line-up we’ve ever had.”

It’s not hard to see why. FITC’s three-day professional celebration of world's most stunning and innovative in creative tech will feature presentations from creative technologists on the cutting edge. Those names include the likes of Jared Ficklin, Argo Design’s Creative Technologist working on innovative simulation projects featuring touch, gesture and voice. Audiences will also hear from Greg Hermanovic, 3D graphics pioneer and co-founder of Derivative and Side Effects Software, and Chrys Wu - Developer Advocate for The New York Times.

FITC welcomes these and other major leaders, makers and influencers from around North America and the world to Toronto for its flagship event, featuring speakers from top companies in the industry including Google, Etsy, Microsoft and more. FITC will also host a series of major events internationally in 2016, in Tokyo, Japan (February 13-14), in Amsterdam (February 22-23) as well as events in New York and Chicago.


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