Union Pearson Express train now features fare reductions

The Union Pearson Express which is a train that goes from near the Union Station in Downtown Toronto to Pearson International Airport now has reduced fares. The fare now costs $12 per adult passenger for a one way ticket to the airport and is $9 for Presto pass holders. The previous price for a one way adult ticket from the downtown core to Pearson International Airport was $27 and $19 for Presto pass users, the ride takes about 25 minutes.
The advantage of using the UP Express is that passengers can ride a clean, new and relatively spacious train with free Wi-Fi as well as avoid the usual traffic. It is an ideal way to get to the airport if you don't have much luggage since it is accessible via the TTC although you need to walk for around 15 minutes to get to the UP Express terminal near Union Station For more information check the site.
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