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Kahoots reminds you to keep in touch with new contacts


Kahoots may seem like yet another way to scan and store digital copies of business cards. But what sets it apart is the app can remind you when to follow up with your new business contact or friend. After you scan his or her business card, all you need to do is pick when you want to follow up with them. You can select options like tonight or tomorrow or a week or a month from now but you can also pick the specific time you want to be reminded to touch base. But if you don’t need to get in touch with them, you can also opt to not set a follow up and just let the app add the person to your contacts. At a later date if you decide to follow up with them, you can still do so. It’ll also let you pick the preferred method for reaching out to them including phone call, text, or email.

Source: Lifehacker | Download: iTunes App Store ($2.79)

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