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Google's Chrome browser has 1 billion monthly users on Android and iOS

Google's Chrome mobile browser has broken the 1 billion monthly user threshold and is the latest segment of Google's ecosystem to enjoy mass appeal. Chrome on iOS and Android now joins Google Maps, YouTube, Gmail and Google Play as billion monthly user properties.

Chrome has been around on the desktop now for eight years. It released Chrome version 50 for Windows, Mac and Linux last week, and updated Chrome for iOS to version 50 yesterday. While it isn't know what the exact split of Android vs. iOS users is, Android likely has the lions share of numbers simply because it is the dominant mobile OS as well as having Chrome as the default browser on devices.

Other fun facts, Google revealed that Chrome now loads 771 billion pages each month, its auto-complete search feature helped users avoid typing 500 billion characters. Google'estimates this feature has saved 186,528 years of typing.

Source: Google via ZDNet

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