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Filemaker 15 now available with support for Touch ID, app extensions and automations 

Filemaker, a subsidiary of Apple, has released its latest version Filemaker 15 which now has support for various iOS features as well as support for Touch ID, app extensions, security and automation.

The upgrades within FileMaker15 focus on enhancements in five key areas: mobility, usability, automation, performance and security. With these changes, custom app development is easier than ever before for businesses of all sizes — right on down to one-man band type organizations — are using FileMaker software to create custom solutions that run on iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac, and the Web.

Also included is iBeacon support for location-based data, new app extensions for cloud file sharing and content customization including the ability to use location data to do things like “automatically pull up information for a self-guided tour, product descriptions at the point of sale, the location of inventory in a warehouse, and more.”

For details on FileMaker 15 and new team licensing options check the on the company’s website


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