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Kidoodle.TV is on the Roku platform, lets kids ‘be the Star’ on all screens

The Kidoodle.TV Channel is now available on the Roku platform. A Parent Media Co. Inc. announced that its popular on-demand service for kids, Kidoodle.TV, is now available on Roku players and Roku TV models, giving millions of Roku customers in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom access to the Kidoodle.TV Channel and its Family Moments feature.

Kidoodle.TV provides Roku customers who subscribe to the Kidoodle.TV Channel with unlimited, on-demand access to a dynamic, feature-rich streaming experience. The Kidoodle.TV library houses thousands of hours of age-appropriate, award-winning premium and modern titles such as Tea Time with Tayla, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Learn to Draw and, just added, a great new line-up of kids’ music videos from a variety of award-winning artists

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