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The upcoming 'iPhone 7 Plus' might get LG dual-lens camera modules

"iPhone 7 Plus" dual camera design mockup by Feld & Volk

With production issues plaguing Sony, Apple may turn to LG to help manufacture its dual-lens camera modules. According to research analyst Chris Chang from Nomura Securities, Sony may not be able to meet the target quota because of "lower-than-expected" yields and damage to a production facility caused by the earthquate in Kumamoto in April. And so Apple might turn to LG Innotek for the first-wave of orders from Apple. 

Chang speculates that the upcoming 5.5-inch iPhones might use dual-lens cameras and will come with optical image stabilization, a feature previously meant for "Plus" devices. The "iPhone 7" and "iPhone 7 Plus" are rumoured to be coming out by the end of September and this camera issue might cause a problem for the launch. Hopefully, this can be resolved quickly.

Source: Apple Insider

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