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Leaked MotoMods reveal a modular future for Moto Z

A recent leak of what look to be add-ons to the upcoming Moto Z flagship reveals some very intriguing possibilities for Lenovo's flagship smartphone offering expansion and functionality via snap-on accessories called MotoMods. Evan Blass revealed the above accessories via Twitter yesterday and these seem to include a battery pack, camera grip with optical zoom and flash, stereo speakers, and pico projector.

We've seen some renders of the rear of the new Moto smartphones which seem to have an array of pogo plug-type dots that will likely be the smart connector equivalent for Motos and Droids. While we're a few weeks away from a proper reveal, it does look like Moto's modular approach is already more elegant and cohesive than LG's. Let's just hope that the MotoMods will be made available soon after the new smartphones come to market, presumably in June.

Source: Evan Blass via 9to5Google

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