Apple meets with top podcasters to discuss the format, share issues

There’s been a resurgence of interest in podcasts lately and Apple knows they have to take advantage of its popularity. What the tech giant did is talk to the top podcast producers about the issues they have with Apple when it comes with the format. The exact details weren’t disclosed but things like how iTunes has fallen behind to supporting the medium were talked about. These include how producers aren’t able to earn revenue from subscription downloads or the lack of data and analytic tools when it comes to number of listeners and duration of plays. There are also poor sharing and promotion features for social media and the producers only have a single employee to contact when it comes to solving issues or working on promotions with iTunes.
Apple hasn’t made any promises for the podcast creators to hold them on but the representatives who were at that meeting then talked to iTunes chief Eddy Cue afterwards to relay the feedback. Cue said in a statement to the NY Times, “We have more people than ever focused on podcasting, including engineers, editors and programmers. Podcasts hold a special place with us at Apple.” We may or may not see changes soon. We’ll just have to wait.
Source: New York Times | Via: SlashGear
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