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Apple's free Swift Playgrounds iPad app can empower future programmers

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

One of the announcements made at yesterday's WWDC keynote was the Swift Playgrounds iPad app. As Apple explains it, "Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary new app for iPad that makes learning Swift interactive and fun. Solve puzzles to master the basics using Swift — a powerful programming language created by Apple and used by the pros to build many of today’s most popular apps."

Geared towards children but with enough content to delight users of all ages, the app gamifies programming and allows users to code on one part of the screen and run their program on the other, giving them instant and real-time access to their programs. Coming as a free download this fall, Swift Playgrounds looks like an empowering app and great place for anyone to get into the mindset of coding Swift for future success in the app economy.

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