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HTC Vive now shipping, new demo locations announced

HTC's Vive VR can now be purchased through www.vive.com in 24 countries, shipping within 2-3 business days of purchase. In addition to online availability from HTC, individuals can now buy the Vive virtual reality system in 51 Microsoft Stores,  40 GameStop outlets and 10 Micro Center locations. Pre-orders placed through these retailers will be fulfilled beginning this week. 

Vive will also be demoed in 100 retail locations throughout North America. In addition to current retail demo locations, Microsoft Stores will expand from 29 to 51 locations, GameStop will increase demo locations from 10 to 40, and Micro Center will add 5 more locations for a total of 10. The demonstrations are open to the general public to experience room-scale virtual reality first-hand with the variety of content available on Steam¢ē.  The full list of participating locations is available at www.vive.com. Check here to see my intial impressions of the HTC Vive.

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