Lenovo launches Phab Pro 2, the first AR enabled Tango smartphone

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
San Francisco: Lenovo and Google have released the first Augmented Reality enabled smartphone called the Phab 2 Pro which comes in September for US $499. Using four cameras as well as AR sensors, the device can know its location inside buildings, recognize and measure physical objects as well project animations and on screen to create mixed reality scenarios.
Potentially game changing,Tango devices built in unison by Google and Lenovo elevate what smartphones can do as well as extend their functionality beyond two dimensions. During the demos here, we saw how Tango can generate graphics and characters into reality, how it can measure and help approximate 3D dimensions. Another demo showed how, using an app for Lowe's furniture store, it is possible to virtually redesign a home's interior before even purchasing fixures, rugs or surfaces.
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