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Google introduces family sharing on Google Play

Google is the latest company to introduce a family sharing feature into its ecosystem. Family Library allows up to six people from your clan to share purchases from the Google Play Store. These include everything from apps, movies, TV shows, games, and books. Of course, there are certain restrictions, too. Music sharing is through the Google Play Music family plan, which is a different expense and option.

Now, you can have one account to setup Family Library. You’ll select which credit card to use as your family’s method of payment or your family members can still select to use their personal cards or gift cards. But this feature also allows for purchase approval, which can help prevent children from buying apps or in-app purchases without your go signal.

Apps and games purchased after February 7th are eligible for sharing but the developers have to opt-in to make prior purchases eligible as well. Books are only eligible if the publishers opted-in as well. Meanwhile, TV shows and movies need to be bought using the family payment method and this feature doesn’t work with rentals. The movies, shows, and books, can be viewed on your Android and iOS devices via Google’s apps and even through computers and Chromebooks via a web browser.

The feature is rolling out to Canada, Australia, France, Brazil, the UK, Germany, the US, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand, Italy, and Mexico starting today.

Source: The Guardian

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