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Slash away monsters with ‘Severed’

A new game on iOS has us reminiscing of the glory days of Fruit Ninja, except this is far from appetizing. Drinkbox Studios outs a new touch-enabled action game called Severed. In this game, you hack, slash, and swipe away monsters. You play one-armed warrior Sasha who’s trying to find her way back to her family. You’ll be solving puzzles along the way, unlocking new abilities, and ascend with an RPG-style upgrade tree to uncover the mysteries in the dark fantasy universe Sasha is in. The app retails for US$6.99 (around CA$9) and is available for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. During this first week of release, Severed comes at a discounted price of US$5.99 (around CA$8). The sale lasts until August 4.

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