Instagram to help hinder online harassment with comment filter control

It isn’t news that we have a big problem with online trolls but it’s always good when social networks and sites work towards trying to curb the harassment people experience online. Instagram is working to allow users to ban certain phrases or emojis from appearing on your feed or you could even turn off your comments section altogether. While Instagram already has some filters in place, this will give you a better handle on the experience you get on the site. It’s supposedly rolled out to some high-profile users already but they are said to be working to bring it to more users.
“Our goal is to make Instagram a friendly, fun and, most importantly, safe place for self-expression," Nicky Jackson Colaco, Instagram public policy chief, told The Washington Post in a statement. "We have slowly begun to offer accounts with high volume comment threads the option to moderate their comment experience. As we learn, we look forward to improving the comment experience for our broader community.”
Source: Refinery29
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