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Apple ‘iPhone 7’ to supposedly get at least 32GB of storage

If this rumour is to be believed, the base model for the upcoming entry-level iPhone would have 32GB storage instead of the paltry 16GB. Apple has been getting flak for the 16GB especially since they’ve introduced features like 4K video recording, which you can’t do much of with 16GB of storage. A source told WSJ that Apple is expected to make that change when they launch “iPhone 7” later this year. The new phone will supposedly adhere to Apple’s current pricing scheme but the base model will have twice the capacity.

Apple currently offers 16GB, 64GB, and 128GB for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. We can’t say if they plan to change these capacities and follow in the footsteps of the 256GB iPad Pro. But if Apple does plan to up the capacity of its entry-level device, that’ll be welcomed by many disgruntled iOS users.

Source: SlashGear

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