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Lenovo to preload Microsoft Office, OneDrive, and Skype on some of its devices

Expect to see Motorola smartphones with Microsoft’s software in the future.

Staying true to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s new vision for Microsoft of having as many people use their products as possible, the tech company is partnering with Lenovo to preload its software on some of Lenovo’s and Motorola’s Android phones. We don’t know yet which phones will be carrying Office, OneDrive, and Skype, though, but it’s expected that they’ll be shipping millions of Android devices with Microsoft’s suite in the coming years.

This isn’t the first time Microsoft has entered into a patent-cross licensing deal with other brands. But what this means is Microsoft is giving up its right to charge hefty royalties so it could bundle its products and have them more accessible to more people.

Source: The Verge

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