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Ford and Harman look to transform in-car audio with B&O Play

According to a recent Ipsos 2016 Automotive Audio Branding study, one-third of new car buyers take into consideration the audio brand included into their next vehicle purchase. Whether you believe that or not, we don’t discount the necessity of a good audio system in a car. And that’s what both Ford and Harman are championing with their new partnership. The two companies have joined forces to unveil B&O Play, a new audio system that will debut exclusively on Ford’s global lineup starting next year.

“Customers tell us they value consistent, high-quality audio experiences, and our collaboration with HARMAN is helping provide that,” said Raj Nair, Ford‘s executive vice president, product development and chief technical officer. “This is just one of the ways we are creating richer, more engaging in-vehicle experiences for customers.”

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