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Chrome on Android takes advantage of multi-window feature for better multi-tasking  

A lot of the newer Android smartphones carry with it multi-window options. However, multi-window usually only works with two different apps. Now, if you to have to separate Google Chrome windows, you can actually do so. A quick tip from Android Central says all you need to is open Chrome and then long press the recent apps key to activate multi-window. If your phone supports Chrome to be opened this way, you then tap the overflow menu (the three dots on the top right corner) and then select Move to other window. This then gives you two Chrome tabs open at the same time.

Now, if you want to open a new link in the second window, simply long press on the link and tap on Open in other window. You don’t have to be selecting from the upper window to do this. You can be using the lower one and it’ll still work and just open it in the opposite window.

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