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The best tablets for college students

It wasn’t too long ago that most students wanted a new laptop to take to college.  And while we still recommend that they do, a lot of students are now asking for tablets instead.  The reason for this is that many tablets can be linked up with a keyboard to act as a sort of 2 in 1 device.  They can be loaded up with digital textbooks and can be easily carried around.  Whether you are studying for an MBA or a masters degree in history from Norwich University, we’re sure that you will love the tablets we’ve picked out below.

Microsoft Surface Pro 4

For online MAH program students who want to stick to Microsoft products, the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 is the best of the bunch.  Running Windows 10, it comes with a 12.3 inch screen, and 128GB of storage.  The detachable keyboard can be purchased for around $150, while the tablet itself is just under $900.  This might be a bit pricey for a student to afford, but it’s definitely worth the money due to its storage capacity and the ability to quickly transition between a tablet and a laptop.

Apple iPad Pro

If you’re a Mac user, or just love the Apple brand in general, the Apple iPad Pro may be a more suitable choice for you.  This tablet is available in varying storage amounts, with the 256GB option being the highest, and more than enough for a student.  The Apple Smart Keyboard, can be purchased to turn the iPad Pro into a 2 in 1 device, and with the Apple Productivity Suite, students can still make use of the Microsoft Word, Excel and OneNote programs that they will need for studying.  The iPad Pro costs between $799 and $1079 depending on the storage you select.

Samsung Galaxy TabPro S

If you’re a Samsung fan, the Samsung Galaxy TabPro S won’t disappoint.  Another Windows 10 based tablet, you can find the Samsung Galaxy in bundles that come with a detachable keyboard – saving you money on buying separates.  Containing 128GB of storage, the capacity isn’t as big as the largest iPad Pro, but it should be more than enough for your studies.  And, Samsung devices can be given storage upgrades if required.  Apps can be purchased from the Google Play store to give you access to the Microsoft Office suite.

Dell Venue 8 Pro

The three devices listed above are among the priciest on the market.  If you’re on more of a budget, have a look into the Dell Venue 8 Pro.  This device comes with an 8 inch display, and again runs on the Windows 10 operating system.  The largest amount of storage you can get on this tablet is 64GB, and this will cost you around $449.  Using the Dell Ethernet adaptor, you can easily turn this tablet into a mini laptop.

Whether you’re a college student, or a parent of a student, tablets shouldn’t be ignored when looking for student-friendly technology.  These are four of the best devices that cover all budgets.

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