Google no longer gives you results from another country when you change its domains

If you wanted to look for relevant search results from another country on Google, you just needed to change the country code top level domain (for example, for England). Now if you do that, the results you’ll get will still be based on your location, regardless which domain you use. Google made the switch claiming one out of five searches are usually related to a user’s current location and they wanted to give these users easier access to the things they want to know.
But if you want to look through another country’s domain for your results, you can do so by tapping on the link at the bottom right of your desktop browser or scroll down on your phone. It’s also accessible through Settings and going to “Search settings” option to pick your new location. This change, though, won’t affect how they handle legal requirements for different national laws. So, for example, if a certain result is hidden in your country because of laws like EU’s “right to be forgotten,” then these would stay hidden.
Source: Android Police

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