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Microsoft exec confirms there won’t be a Windows Phone coming out any time soon

Microsoft has acknowledged that it wasn’t getting anywhere with its Windows Phone platform and has decided to stop actively developing anything for it. Joe Belfiore, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for Windows, confirmed the news on Twitter. And like Bill Gates, he’s using an Android device, too. Microsoft tried to match up to the likes of Android and iOS but couldn’t lure app developers to work on its platform, leaving its ecosystem with hardly any apps that users would want to use. Aside from that, Microsoft couldn’t get third-party phone manufacturers to develop hardware for them, too.

What Microsoft is pushing now though is bringing its apps and services to both Android and iOS. One of its latest initiatives is bring Edge browser to mobile as well as a new Microsoft Launcher for Android. Belfiore promises to continue to support existing Windows 10 Mobile users with security updates and regular bug fixes but nothing else beyond that.


Source: Gizmodo

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