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Ride hailing service Lyft coming to Toronto in time for holidays

Ride hailing service Lyft is coming to Toronto, Canada to compete with Uber. The service announced it plans to be operating in the GTA by the holidays (so, December). This is the first time since Hailo shut down that Torontonians have had a choice in app-driven ride hailing services. Lyft has a better reputation than Uber and is generally better received although many drivers drive for both Uber and Lyft. Beow is a statement from Lyft.

Lyft will be around to help ring in the holidays, so if you’re in Toronto, just tap to request — ’cause for the first time in TO, we’ve got your ride.

First Time With Lyft? Here’s How it Works

1. Download the App. Sign up and add a payment method.

2. Request and Ride Happy. A nearby driver will take care of the rest.

3. Pay Instantly. When the ride ends, autopay through the app — with or without an optional tip.

Source: Lyft Blog

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