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Microsoft is being sued for ‘willfully’ ignoring holographic imaging patents

Microsoft’s HoloLens just ran into some legal issues in the US. The company’s mixed-reality device is at the center of a patent infringement lawsuit filed by HoloTouch for infringing on two of its patents. The tech is built to let users interact with holographic images. According to the Connecticut-based company, Microsoft “willfully” knew of and ignored HoloTouch’s patented technology, which have been dated back to over a decade already. The company is seeking a jury trial and triple damages (without the specific amount being outlined).

In the filing, it’s said HoloTouch first approached Microsoft back in 2006 for a partnership but never heard from them. Microsoft later on allegedly filed its own patent in 2013, which cited HoloTouch’s patents as “prior art,” meaning the company was aware of HoloTouch’s work. According to HoloTouch, they reached out again in 2015 and 2016 to discuss a licensing agreement for the patents but didn’t hear from Microsoft then either. If proven, this could cause some financial damage to Microsoft, especially with the company’s patents extending beyond the US to include Canada, Australia, the UK, and Japan.

Source: Engadget

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